When you call a business phone number, you will often hear an automated voicemail greeting that guides you through the phone directory and next steps. Like a friendly receptionist, your voicemail greeting provides essential information and enhances your brand image.
Welcoming your callers with a clear and concise greeting makes them feel valued and informed, improving customer satisfaction even when you are unavailable to answer their calls directly.
At WPBeginner, we understand that this can enhance brand credibility and build trust with potential customers. We use Nextiva for VoIP and voicemail and have researched quality alternatives to help you make the best choice for your business.
In this article, we will show you how to set up a business voicemail greeting for your online store, business, or blog. We will also provide examples of voicemail greetings to use as a template.

Why Is a Voicemail Greeting Important for Your Business?
More than 88% of local searches on mobile devices end up in a phone call. This is mainly thanks to the nifty click-to-call buttons that appear in Google local search results.

For many small businesses, it may not be possible to answer all the calls immediately. Sometimes, customers may call after business hours, and you may be busy or have no staff available at that time.
This is where your voicemail greeting comes in.
For many customers, this will be their first contact with your business. Not setting up a business voicemail greeting can cause you to lose a customer to your competitor.
On the other hand, not getting the voicemail greeting right can also have serious consequences. Customers may hang up, not follow through, or simply reach out to your competitors.
That being said, let’s take a look at how to properly set up professional voicemail greetings for your online business that make a positive impression on callers.
The Best Way to Set Up a Voicemail Greeting
Normally, small business owners use a landline or mobile phone number to manage calls. While it may get the job done, they do not allow you to properly manage business calls or set up an effective automated voicemail greeting.
The best way to manage business calls is by using a business phone service. A lot of small businesses use a virtual business phone number because it lets them effectively manage business calls without sacrificing their privacy.
Unlike a landline or mobile number, it uses the internet to manage calls. The official term for this technology is called a business VoIP phone service (Voice over Internet Protocol).
Using a business phone service gives you the following advantages over landline and mobile:
- You can set your business hours and record different voice greetings to be played based on the time of the day.
- You can set up auto attendant, add extensions to route the calls, let users leave a voice message, and more.
- It works on your computer, tablet, desk phone, and even on your mobile phone using apps.
- Multiple users can use the same phone number regardless of their location.
- You can easily give access to new employees without calling in a technician or buying new equipment.
We recommend using Nextiva because they are the best business phone service provider on the market. They offer a comprehensive set of features with an easy-to-use web-based admin panel and apps for your phone.

We use Nextiva in our business to manage calls for WPBeginner and other Awesome Motive properties.
If you want an alternative solution, then you can take a look at RingCentral or Ooma. They are both great business phone services, and they offer an incredibly feature-rich platform with lots of tools to manage voice greetings, auto-attendants, voice messages, call transcripts, and more.
Once you have set up a business phone service, you can set up voice greetings using their easy-to-follow settings.
Voice Greeting Examples for Businesses
There are some basic rules that you must follow to create the most effective voicemail greetings:
- Avoid cliches like ‘Your call is important to us’. They are overused and don’t feel sincere anymore.
- Make sure that your voicemail recording sounds friendly and personal.
- Try not to sound like you are reading from a script.
- If you can, then hire a voice artist to help you record voicemail greetings. You can even find someone on Fiverr.
- Make sure that your voicemail provides important information like your business name, business hours, and contact information.
Here are some business voicemail greeting scripts that you can use for your business.
Off-Hours Voicemail Greeting Examples
This voicemail greeting will be played when customers call you after business hours or during weekends. Make sure that this voicemail greeting informs users about office hours and alternative ways to reach customer service or the store location.
“Hi, you’ve reached [business name]. We are available by phone from [9 am] to [6 pm] [PST] Monday to Friday. You can also use the contact form on our website, [www.example.com], to leave us a message, and we’ll get back to you via email. If you’d like us to call you back, then please leave your name and number along with a short message, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.”
“Hi, you’ve reached [business name]. We are currently unable to answer your call. Our office hours are [business hours] Monday to Friday. Our store at [store location] remains open for customers during weekends. You can also contact us via live chat on our website [www.example.com] [24 hours a day 7 days a week]. If this is not urgent, and you’d like us to call back, then please leave your name and number after the beep.”
As you can see, both voicemail greeting templates deliver important information and offer customers alternate ways to contact via live chat or contact form.
Vacation Voicemail Greeting Examples
These greeting messages can be recorded during the holidays.
“Hello, you’ve reached [business name]. Our team is currently out of the office to spend the holidays with friends and family. We’ll be back to work on [day and time]. Please leave us your name and number, and we will get back to you ASAP. [Happy Holidays (or suitable greeting for that holiday)]”.
“Happy holidays! Our team at [business name] is away until [date]. If you are an existing customer, you can still open a support ticket on our website, we will try to get back to you within the next 24 hours. You can also contact us via live chat or the contact form on our website [www.example.com]. If it is not urgent, then you can leave us your name and number after the beep. We will return your call as soon as possible.”
“Hi, you have reached [company name]. We are closed for (holiday name) and will get back to work on [date and time]. If you need an urgent response, you can email us at (email_address), and we will try to answer all emails within 24 hours. You can also leave us a message, and we will get back to you after the holidays (Happy New Year / Holiday)”.
As you can see, these professional voicemail greetings provide customers with as much information as possible. These greetings also ensure that customers know how to get a quicker response using alternate contact methods during the holidays.
Away / Busy Voicemail Greeting Examples
If you are busy, away, or understaffed and cannot answer customer calls immediately, then you can use these greetings as an example.
“Hi, you have reached [business name]. We are unable to take your call right now, but we would love to call you back ASAP. Please leave us your name and number after the beep.”
“Hi, we are currently away from the phone. If it isn’t too urgent, then you can email us at (email address). Otherwise, please leave your name and number after the beep, and we’ll call you back right away.”
If you are the only person answering calls, then you can make it a personal voicemail greeting.
“Hi, you have reached (Your Name). I am currently unable to answer the phone. You can send me an email to (email address), or you can leave your name and number after the beep, and I’ll call you back as soon as possible.”
Test and Improve Your Voicemail Greetings
Another great reason to use a professional phone service is that you can track all your calls and view detailed reports about them. For example, this is what Nextiva’s call analytics page looks like.

You will need to track how many users heard each voicemail greeting and how they responded. Voicemail greetings with a higher score of customers leaving a message are working efficiently.
Voicemail messages that are not even heard completely are a failure.
We recommend trying different voicemail greetings to find the perfect balance. Updating your voicemail greeting periodically can also help you fill communication gaps that you didn’t even know existed.
Follow Up Your Voicemail Messages
Now that you have set up a balanced, informative, and friendly voicemail greeting, the next step is even more crucial.
What happens after a customer leaves you a voice message?
If you are using a professional business phone system, then you will be easily able to track and respond to those messages.
Make sure that you and your staff are equally well prepared for a quick follow-up. A prompt callback goes a long way in strengthening business relationships and closing sales.
Expert Guides on Business Communications
Now that you know how to set up the perfect voicemail greeting, you may like to see some other guides related to business communications:
- Best Business Phone Services for Small Business
- Best Virtual Business Phone Number Apps (w/ Free Options)
- Beginner’s Guide: What is VoIP and How Does it Work? (Explained)
- How to Set Up an Auto Attendant Phone System for Your Website
- Best Voice Message Plugins for WordPress
- Best Auto Dialer Software for Small Business (Compared)
- Nextiva vs RingCentral vs Ooma: Which is Better? (Compared)
- Best Team Communication Tools for Small Business
- Best Online Fax Services for Small Business
- Google Meet vs Zoom: Which Is Better for Your Business?
We hope this article helped you learn how to set up voicemail greetings for your online business. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a free business email address and our expert picks for the best email marketing services for small business.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Setting up a professional voicemail greeting is important in establishing a business’s credibility, and this article makes it so easy to do! I love the examples provided – they’re helpful in giving a sense of what works well. I’ve been putting off setting up my own voicemail greeting because I wasn’t sure where to start, but this tutorial has given me the confidence to get it done. Thanks for the clear instructions