Tired of wasting time listening to voicemails? We get it! That’s why we recommend using a voicemail transcription service.
Voicemail transcription helps convert your voicemails to text so you can read them later on your phone or computer. In our experience, it saves a ton of time, as you don’t have to listen to recordings and quickly view the message in text form.
In this article, we’ll show you the best business voicemail transcription services.

Why Use a Business Voicemail Transcription Service?
Voicemail transcription means converting the audio file messages from your voicemail box into text format. However, manually transcribing each voicemail is a time-consuming task. Instead, you can use a business voicemail transcription service.
There are a lot of software options available that will automatically convert voicemail speech to text. The transcribed voicemails can be sent to you by email or text.
This is more convenient, especially when you can’t listen to voicemails. You can quickly read the message anywhere instead of listening to the voice recording.
It also helps streamline your customer support process. Your support staff can search for voicemails from a user and look at previous messages so they can provide a better customer experience. You can also keep records of your voicemails, with accurate callback numbers and addresses, and connect them to customer relationship management (CRM) software.
That being said, let’s look at the best business voicemail transcription services.
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1. Nextiva

Nextiva is the best virtual phone service on the market that offers powerful features, including voicemail transcriptions. The cloud phone system is easy to use and set up.
It brings multiple communication channels under one roof. For example, you can make HD video calls, send text messages, live chat, voicemails, phone calls, and more from a single place.
Nextiva offers a voicemail to email and text transcription option, where you can receive voicemails inside your inbox. This allows you to respond to customers quickly, even when calls are missed. Once this feature is active, it will automatically transcribe voicemail.
Besides that, you also get other features like call recording, unlimited calls and texts in North America, toll-free numbers, team chat, auto attendant, call transfer and forwarding, and more.
They offer business phone apps for Apple iOS and Android smartphones, so it lets you stay connected with customers anywhere in the world with a wi-fi connection.
Plus, Nextiva has integrations with all of your favorite tools, including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zendesk, Microsoft Outlook, and more.
At WPBeginner, we use Nextiva for all our business phone needs. We’re huge fans of their platform and the features it offers.
Pricing: The Nextiva Core plan includes voicemail transcription features and it costs only $21 per user per month with our Nextiva coupon.
2. RingCentral

RingCentral is another top business voicemail transcription service. Their business VoIP phone service offers lots of powerful features and is a perfect solution for remote teams.
With its Voicemail for Business feature, you get to choose how to receive voicemails. For instance, you can access voice messages from the RingCentral online account, desktop app, mobile phone, email, and desk phone.
RingCentral offers an option to send voicemails to your email address. You’ll receive an audio attachment and transcription, so you can quickly scan through the message without listening to the voicemail.
Other than that, RingCentral offers features like video conference calls, unlimited calling in the US and Canada, voice-to-text features, SMS messaging, toll-free numbers, and other call-handling features.
Pricing: The voicemail transcription feature is now available in all the plans, starting from $20 per user per month.
3. Zoom Phone

Zoom Phone is a user-friendly cloud VoIP phone system that’s built on top of the familiar Zoom Meetings platform. Using the Zoom mobile and desktop apps, you can make and receive calls from anywhere.
It comes with a voicemail transcription feature that allows you to listen to your messages and see a transcription directly from the app. You’ll also receive an email that contains the voicemail audio file and transcription.
In addition, Zoom Phone offers plenty of helpful features, including local numbers, toll-free numbers, call transfer, call forwarding, auto attendants, music on hold, holiday and business hours routing, conference calling, call recording, call park, and more.
Pricing: Zoom Phone offers voicemail transcription in all of their plans, including the Pay As You Go plan, which starts at $10 per month per user.
4. Freshdesk Contact Center

Freshdesk Contact Center is the next business voicemail transcription service on our list. It was previously known as Freshcaller and is a user-friendly virtual business phone provider.
FreshDesk Contact Center offers AI-powered voicemail transcription functionality. Its artificial intelligence engine, called Freddy AI, automatically transcribes voicemails.
You can easily access the transcriptions from the FreshDesk phone system and view key metrics like queue time and IVR time. It also lets you enable voicemail transcription for selected phone numbers and set up voicemail greetings.
Other features offered by FreshDesk Contact Center include a call waiting option, vanity numbers, mobile apps, shared lines, route calls to voicemail, block spam calls, call recording, and more.
Pricing: You will need the Growth plan or higher to use the voicemail transcription feature in the FreshDesk Contact Center. This will cost you $15 per agent per month (billed annually). There is also a free version of the software you use to get started, but it doesn’t include voicemail transcriptions.
5. Ooma Office Phone

Ooma is a popular VoIP phone service for businesses of all sizes. It is loaded with features, including high-quality voicemail transcription and voicemail-to-email options.
You can configure your voicemails to be automatically sent to an email address when they’re left in your Ooma Office app. You will get an audio recording as an attachment and transcribed text in the body of the email.
Ooma is also easy to use and works out of the box. You get more features like a virtual receptionist, hold music, extension dialing, video conferencing, 1-800 phone numbers, a call center, and more. There are also desktop and mobile apps, so you can call and receive voicemails from anywhere in the world.
Pricing: Ooma prices start from $24.95 per month per user. However, the voicemail transcription feature is available in the Ooma Office Pro and Pro Plus pricing plans.
6. Grasshopper

Grasshopper is one of the best business phone systems, and it is perfect for small businesses and startups. The service offers a voicemail transcription feature and allows you to receive the transcriptions in your email inbox.
It is very easy to set up, and you can add email addresses where you’d like the forwarded messages to go. You’ll receive an email notification after every voicemail with a text transcription. Then, using the Grasshopper desktop app or mobile apps, you can read the voicemail messages.
Aside from voicemail transcription, Grasshopper is filled with robust telephony features. For instance, you get simultaneous call handling, incoming call control, call forwarding, extensions, call transfers, VoIP calling, virtual fax, reporting, and more.
Pricing: Grasshopper pricing plans start from $14 per month (billed annually), and all plans include the voicemail feature. Do note that it is only available in the US and Canada.
7. Google Voice

Google Voice is another business voicemail transcription service you can use for your WordPress website. It is part of Google Workspace and easily integrates with other tools like Google Meet and Calendar.
The service uses Google’s AI to turn voicemails into text automatically. The AI is powerful and converts complex words into easy-to-read text.
Besides that, it is very easy to use and offers free calling to the US and Canada, spam call blocking, unlimited text messaging in the US, call forwarding, mobile apps for iPhones and Android devices, and more.
Pricing: Google Voice prices start from $10 per user per month and include a voicemail transcription feature.
Bonus: Phone.com

Phone.com is a popular cloud-based virtual phone service offering a voicemail feature. You can listen to audio messages from your online account and set up a voicemail-to-email feature.
Phone.com will automatically transcribe your voicemails and send them to you as email or text messages. This way, you can read the message instead of listening to the voice note or forward the transcription to other team members.
With Phone.com, you also enjoy other powerful features. It is a complete virtual phone solution and offers call forwarding, call transfer, analytics, number porting, audio conferences, fax from phone, text messaging, and more.
Pricing: The voicemail transcription feature is included in the Plus users or higher plan, and its prices start from $18.69 per user per month.
Disclaimer: We could have included many other options in this list, including Verizon’s Visual Voicemail, Vonage, and other voicemail apps. But we decided only to include the top voicemail transcription services to help you avoid choice paralysis.
Which Is the Best Business Voicemail Transcription Service?
In our expert opinion, the best business voicemail transcription service is Nextiva, and after careful research, we chose to use it for our own business.
Nextiva is user-friendly and offers lots of features to help you connect with your customers and team members from anywhere. You can easily receive voicemail transcriptions in your email, handle calls, conduct virtual meetings, create workflows, and more.
Plus, Nextiva has desktop and mobile apps, so you are always connected on the go. It also easily integrates multiple communication channels into a single platform.
If you’re looking for other solutions, then we recommend RingCentral and Zoom Phone as alternatives to Nextiva for voicemail transcriptions.
FAQs About Best Services to Transcribe Voicemails
Here are some frequently asked questions from our users about the best business voicemail transcription services.
1. Can I get a transcript of a voicemail?
There are many business phone services that will generate transcriptions for voicemails. Some top providers, like Nextiva, RingCentral, and Zoom Phone will send transcripts of voicemails to your email.
2. Can Google Voice transcribe voicemail?
Google Voice offers a feature to transcribe voicemails. It can also transcribe voicemails in different languages, including English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, and more.
3. What is voicemail to text feature?
The voicemail-to-text feature helps convert voice messages into text messages, which you can read later. This helps quickly scan the conversation you had with clients or customers. Many business voicemail services also let you email the transcriptions.
We hope this article helped you pick the best business voicemail transcription service. You may also want to see our guide on how to get a free business email address or our expert comparison of the best live chat software for small businesses.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Moinuddin Waheed
Voice mail transcript service is very powerful tool for making an audio file to text transcript.
I think all these voice mail transcript support English language only.
it could have been better if these can be utilised for other languages as well.
is there any voice mail transcript service that can be used for regional languages as well.
WPBeginner Support
We do not have a specific tool to recommend but if you reach out to the support for these services they can let you know of any plans they may have for the future!