Free Email Marketing Tools

Create, personalize, and optimize your marketing emails without waiting on designers or IT.

238,000+ customers in over 135 countries grow their businesses with HubSpot

Create beautiful email campaigns independently.

Craft professional email campaigns without requiring support from multiple stakeholders. Get started with one of HubSpot's goal-based email templates that display perfectly across any device. Then use the dra-and-drop editor to customize layout, calls-to-action, and branding.

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Boost opens and clicks with personalization.

Boost average email open rates when you tailor your emails to each subscriber. Use contact name, company, lifecycle stage, list membership, and more to automatically serve up the most relevant subject lines, links, attachments, and CTAs. Then schedule your campaign and use email automation workflows to trigger specific follow-up actions based on recipient engagement such as email opens, bounces, and link clicks.

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Optimize email campaigns with A/B tests and analytics.

Use A/B tests to learn which subject lines get the most opens, and which content drives engagement and sales. Dive even deeper into your data to see who’s engaging with each email and when, the most popular content, and more. Then design new email marketing campaigns that will take conversion rates to new heights.

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Use AI to send engaging emails.

Bid farewell to spending hours struggling with email copy or mulling over the perfect subject line for your next newsletter. Use AI content writing features to quickly generate emails with simple prompts. Or use slash and highlight commands to skillfully rewrite, edit, or adjust the tone of existing copy to meet your needs.

Upgrade to get messaging insights [beta], a tool that uses AI to analyze your email marketing performance, delivery, and engagement. Find and fix problems with your campaigns, make your content and CTAs more engaging, and get suggestions based on data to make sure your messages reach the right people.

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Send personalized emails that subscribers look forward to opening.

Treat your email subscribers like real people with HubSpot’s free email marketing tools. The dra-and-drop editor — paired with contact insights from the HubSpot CRM — can help you build and send personalized emails in minutes.

For more detailed information on pricing, our free tools, and premium products, please see our Pricing Page.