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Page Cache

In WordPress, a page cache stores a complete snapshot of your website’s pages, including its text, images, and code. This is often referred to simply as the WordPress cache and is one of the best ways to speed up your website. The first time a… Read More »

Post Meta

In WordPress, post meta means the additional information about a blog post that you can show to your visitors. It includes details like the author’s name, publication date, categories, tags, custom taxonomies, and more. Post meta is not part of the actual content of the… Read More »


phpMyAdmin is a free web application you can use to manage MySQL databases. It is open-source and can be used without having any programming knowledge. WordPress stores most of its information in a MySQL database, and phpMyAdmin can be used to access the WordPress database… Read More »


PuTTY is an SSH (Secure Shell) client for Windows, which allows advanced users to manage their websites by typing powerful commands into their computers. For example, they are often used by technical users, system administrators, and developers to edit directories, folders, and files on their… Read More »

Parked Domain

The term ‘parked domain’ refers to a registered domain name that is temporarily ‘parked’ on a web server but isn’t an actual website. Basically, it’s like saving a seat for a future website to come and sit down. In general, however, parked domains have a… Read More »


The public_html directory is the root folder for all your website’s content. When someone visits your site’s primary URL, all the files for the page they see will be in the public_html folder. If you are using WordPress, then the public_html folder contains all of… Read More »

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Plugin Directory

The WordPress Plugin Directory is the official source of free WordPress plugins. It is also known as the WP Plugin directory, WordPress plugin repository, or just the repo. Plugins make it easy to add new features to your website, and the plugin directory makes it… Read More »

Post Slug

In WordPress, the post slug refers to the part of a web page’s address that appears after the domain name. A simple WordPress slug example would be if you visited a blog post at, then “” is the domain name, and “blo-post” is the… Read More »

Page Builder

In WordPress, page builders are plugins that let you create, edit, and customize your website layout without writing any code. Page builder plugins add a new editor interface to your WordPress website to make customizing your page layout faster, easier, and more flexible. They are… Read More »


PHP is a programming and scripting language to create dynamic interactive websites. WordPress is written using PHP as the scripting language. Just like WordPress, PHP is also open source. PHP is a server side language, which means that it runs on your web hosting server.… Read More »