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Contact WPBeginner

Feel free to use this contact page for the following purposes:

  • WPBeginner Pro Services Questions: We offer several professional WordPress services, like website design, WordPress maintenance, and more. Share your requirements with us and we’ll get back to you shortly.
  • General inquiry: Ask us general questions regarding the site and report technical problems. Inquiries related to advertising are also welcome.
  • WPBeginner Spotlight: Have any big WordPress news that you’d like to see in our next month’s Spotlight column, like a new WordPress brand acquisition, merger, or a flagship feature release? Just drop us a line.

If you have a suggestion regarding this site please use our Suggestions Page.

If you want a free WordPress blog setup then don’t use this form instead check out our application form for free WordPress setup.

If you want to write for WPBeginner, please don’t use this form. We have very high editorial standards for WPBeginner content, and we DO NOT accept guest posts. Our content is written by our team of WordPress experts with years of experience. You can apply to join our team through our Careers page.

For all other inquiries, please see below:

Contact WPBeginner Team

Please be as detailed in your email if you are asking a question, so we can reply to you with the most useful answer to your problem or question.

Note: Spamming this form will result in an IP Ban.

We try to get back to our readers as soon as we can (typically within 24 hours). Our support hours are 9 a.m – 5 p.m Eastern Standard Time. Please give us at least 24 hours before resending your email.

Thank you for your continued support of WPBeginner, and we truly appreciate you.

Pro tip: Since several users asked, we’re using the WPForms plugin to create the above contact form and other survey forms on WPBeginner site. It is the best WordPress form builder plugin, and it’s now used by over 6 million websites. Our founder, Syed Balkhi, is also the co-founder of WPForms. There’s a free version of WPForms available as well.

Our Physical Address:

Although our team is fully distributed, and we have team members in over 50 countries, our headquarters are located in West Palm Beach, Florida.

You can reach us at:

WPBeginner LLC
400 Executive Center Dr, Suite 208
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Press Inquiries

Journalists working on a story about WPBeginner or requesting an interview with our founder, Syed Balkhi, are encouraged to email [email protected] with the subject line: WPBeginner Interview Request.

You can also find our Brand Assets and Press kit on our Press page.

If you are looking to pitch a story to WPBeginner, please approach the editorial staff directly using the contact form on this page.

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If you believe you have discovered a vulnerability on our website or have a security incident to report, please email us at: [email protected]