MemberPress Courses
Anyone can build and sell irresistible online courses with our integrated course creator – MemberPress Courses. Its visual builder and ReadyLaunch™ pagemaker make creation a cakewalk and styling a cinch!
Create lessons, add quizzes, even award your students with shareable certificates. Every feature is right there, ready to go.
The MemberPress Courses Add-on boils course building down to an easy, click-and-go process. And it's included with MemberPress Basic, Plus, and Pro.
Here are just some of the perks Courses has to offer:
- Full-featured WordPress LMS
- Quick and easy activation
- Profit-driven design, optimized for student success
- Quizzes and student progress tracking
- Resettable, expireable, and shareable certificates of completion
- No complex coding
- No fiddling with pages, sub-pages, and custom post types
- Automatic page styling with ReadyLaunch™
- Visual dra-and-drop builder
- Protect content with MemberPress access rules
- Build subscriptions with a robust sales feature
- Advanced options for power users
👉 How to Sell Courses on WordPress with MemberPress Courses
👉 How to Create a Certification Program with WordPress
*Alternative to Zoho People's LMS and Tutor LMS
1.4.1 – 12/19/2024
* Minor bug fix
1.4.0 – 12/19/2024
* Added Email Notifications (must update Quizzes and Assignments add-ons also, if using them)
1.3.11 – 12/04/2024
* Fix the wrong namespace used for Quizzes
1.3.10 – 11/28/2024
* Fix translations
* Fix drip date calculation when drip based on “Previous Item Completed”
* Remove ReadyLaunch widgets when RL course template is disabled
* Move MP Courses menu below MP menu in Admin
* Reset courses transient when new rules get applied to courses
1.3.9 – 09/25/2024
* Fix duplicate header HTML in Quizzes
* Fix PHP warnings on fresh install
* Fix duplicate quizzes and assignments
* Replace Courses / Lessons with Courses label in ReadyLaunch settings
* UI tweaks to make course add-ons more visible
1.3.8 – 08/30/2024
* Fix show/hide password icons on protected course and lesson pages
* Record course events in wp_footer hook
1.3.7 – 08/14/2024
* Fix bug with protecting Sections with Rules
1.3.6 – 08/06/2024
* Added support for new add-ons (Assignments, Gradebook, and Quizzes)
* Added built-in dripping support
* Moved some code out of MemberPress and into Courses add-on (must update to latest MemberPress and MemberPress Courses together)
* Fixed curriculum getting reset if JS error during save
* Auto install Quizzes add-on where possible if quizzes were already being used
1.3.5 – 07/16/2024
* Add the ReadyLaunch course_list template moved from MP Core
* Fix course settings not visible in WP 6.6
1.3.4 – 07/01/2024
* Fix “X” showing instead of a number when resetting quiz attempts
* Display a “Back to Quizzes” link when editing a quiz
* Fix issue with Developer Tools failing to populate user data if courses was activated (update MemberPress main plugin also)
* Do not allow viewing quizzes directly if course is in “draft” mode
* Fix duplicated resources – do a hard refresh when editing Course after updating add-on CTRL+SHFT+R)
1.3.3 – 06/19/2024
* Added hide_protected attribute to courses shortcode
* Moved settings from MP to Courses add-on (requires at least MemberPress 1.11.32)
* Fix lesson page layout when wrapped with cover block
* Fix saving MP setting overriding courses settings
* Fix empty downloads list showing when no downloads available in Resources
* Fix LearnDash Migrator
1.3.2 – 05/21/2024
* Added new Widget areas for the footer
* Support for new wp_footer hook option in ReadyLaunch™ settings
* Fix fatal error on Resources tab
* Hide Draft items from students (front-end)
1.3.0 – 05/08/2024
* Courses moved to its own Menu Item in the WP Dashboard called “MP Courses”. It's now easier to access your lessons, quizzes, & settings.
* New Lessons will start as “Drafts” instead of “Published”
* New setting for choosing the number of courses to list per-page
* New setting for choosing the sort type and order of courses
1.2.23 04/03/2024
* Added setting to quizzes to require a minimum score to advance in the course
* Added a “Custom” resources setting to Course Resources
* Added ability for Quiz retakes, keeping either the latest or best attempt
1.2.22 – 03/20/2024
* Added Migrator framework beginning with support for LearnDash migrations
* Better RTL support in ReadyLaunch™ views
* Fix comments not showing up in some cases
1.2.21 – 02/29/2024
* Add filter to Courses nav item on Account page
* Add filters for fonts
* Add section_id argument to mpcs_completed_section hook
* Allow mpcs-certificate-link shortcode to be used outside course page
* Fix content within Resources tab from duplicating
* Hide Resources tab if there are no course resources
* Prevent browser caching when redirecting to sales page